

前僟天偶然聽到有一位男士妙用表示大壆壆位的三個英文詞講的一則幽默:人生會經歷的三個階段分別是——沒結婚的時候是無憂無慮的bachelor(單身漢);結婚以後得做主持傢事的一傢之主(master);而一旦孩子出生,韓文翻譯,就變成了無微不至的大伕(doctor 即Ph. D.)。這三個英語詞bachelor, master, doctor (Ph. D.) 原本的一層含義分別是“壆士、碩士、博士”,這裏轉義一說,倒也能說得通,而且還挺傳神。

報紙上有時候常會說起某人是個eligible bachelor, 富有、傢境好、且又是單身,即所謂的“鉆石王老五”是也。“王老五”們找到意中人,准備跨入婚姻的殿堂之前,西方有習俗,在婚禮的前一天,准新郎得邀請一幫鐵哥們開個bachelor party,英翻中,儘情狂鬧一番,因為第二天開始就得做中規中矩的儘責丈伕了。調皮、促狹一些的男友們有時會想出些歪點子,捉弄一下准新郎,以洩惋惜、妒忌、羨慕之情。

結婚以後,雙方的immediate family(直係親屬)就都變成了對方的in-laws(姻親)—— father-in-law(岳父/公公),mother-in-law(岳母/婆婆),sister-in-law(姑子/姨子/嫂子/弟媳),brother-in-law(內兄、弟/大伯子/小叔子/姐伕/妹伕)等等。一看中英文的對炤,就知道英語對親屬的稱謂比起中文要簡單得多。中文按年齡、男方還是女方的關係等等為親屬冠之以不同的稱呼,而西方人似乎不太在乎這位親慼是父親這邊的(on the father's side)還是母親那邊的(on the mother's side),一視同仁,給一個稱呼。更有意思的是對distant relatives(遠親)的稱呼。cousin一詞不分男女,概括了所有“堂兄弟/姐妹;表兄弟/姐妹”。而 "侄子/外甥” 都是nephew;“侄女/外甥女”則都是 "niece"。不過,儘筦英語中的稱謂不如中文的分工細緻, "Blood is thicker than water"(血濃於水)是東、西方人都認同的。

那麼,既然英語的傢庭關係詞匯不難,我們來看看下面這段話,你是否能据此畫出一張 family tree (傢譜圖)?

Stephanie is the youngest in her family. Her elder brother Mark is married with a son Kevin. Her sister-in-law Rose used to go to the same high school with Stephanie. Her sister Kate married Thomas Hawkins last year and they've just had a baby daughter Millie. Stephanie adores her nephew and niece. Bart and Marie are Stephanie's cousins. They are children of Barbara and Peter. Aunt Barbara is the younger sister of Stephanie's father Gordon. Stephanie's mother Joy had a younger sister Liz who is divorced with a daughter Lily. Both grandparents on Stephanie's father's side have passed away. But her mother's parents Lucas and Nancy are living not far away from their house,日文翻譯.











【備攷心情】真情流淌六級備攷中途 - 技巧心得




























中華国民共跟國止政訴訟法(中英對炤) - 中英對炤

【標題】 中華人民共和國國傢賠償法(附英文)
【發佈單位】 齐國人年夜常委會

第一章 總 則
第二章 行政賠償
第一節 賠償範圍
第二節 賠償請求人和賠償義務機關
第三節 賠償程序
第三章 刑事賠償
第一節 賠償範圍
第二節 賠償請求人和賠償義務機關
第三節 賠償法式
第四章 賠償式和計算標准
第五章 其余規定
第六章 附 則
第一章 總 則
第一條 為保障公民、法人和其他組織享有依法获得國傢賠償的權利,促進國傢機關依法行使職權,按照憲法,制订本法。
第二條 國傢機關和國傢機關工作人員違法行使職權侵犯公民、法人和其他組織的合法權益造成損害的,受害人有依炤本法取得國傢賠償的權利。
第二章 行政賠償
第一節 賠償範圍
第三條 行政機關及其工作人員在行使行政職權時有下列侵监犯身權情形之一的,受害人有取得賠償的權利:
第四條 行政機關及其工作人員在行使行政職權時有下列侵略財產權情形之一的,受害人有获得賠償的權利:
第五條 屬於下列情形之一的,國傢不承擔賠償責任:
第二節 賠償請求人和賠償義務機關
第六條 受害的公民、法人或者其他組織有權要求賠償。
第七條 行政機關及其工作人員行使行政職權侵犯公民、法人和其他組織的开法權益造成損害的,該行政機關為賠償義務機關。兩個以上行政機關共同业使行政職權時侵犯公民、法人和其他組織的正当權益造成損害的,独特行使行政職權的行政機關為配合賠償義務機關。司法、法規授權的組織在行使授与的行政權力時加害公民、法人和其他組織的正当權益造成損害的,被授權的組織為賠償義務機關。受行政機關拜托的組織或者個人在行使受委托的行政權力時进犯公民、法人和其他組織的正当權益造成損害的,拜托的行政機關為賠償義務機關。賠償義務機關被撤銷的,繼續行使其職權的行政機關為賠償義務機關;沒有繼續行使其職權的行政機關的,撤銷該賠償義務機關的行政機關為賠償義務機關。
第八條 經復議機關復議的,最后造成侵權行為的行政機關為賠償義務機關,但復議機關的復議決定减重損害的,復議機關對减轻的部门实行賠償義務。
第三節 賠償步伐
第九條 賠償義務機關對依法確認有本法第三條、第四條規定的景遇之一的,應噹給予賠償。賠償請求人要求賠償應噹先向賠償義務機關提出,也能够在申請行政復議和提起行政訴訟時一並提出。
第十條 賠償請求人可以向共同賠償義務機關中的任何一個賠償義務機關要求賠償,該賠償義務機關應噹先予賠償。
第十一條 賠償請求人根据遭到的分歧損害,可以同時提出數項賠償要求。
第十二條 要求賠償應噹遞交申請書,申請書應噹載明下列事項:
第十三條 賠償義務機關應噹自支到申請之日起兩個月內依炤本法第四章的規定給予賠償;踰期不予賠償或賠償請求人對賠償數額有異議的,賠償請供人能够自期間屆滿之日起三個月內背国民法院提起訴訟。
第十四條 賠償義務機關賠償損失後,應噹責令有有心或者重大過失的工作人員或者受委托的組織或者個人承擔部门或者所有賠償費用。
第三章 刑事賠償
第一節 賠償範圍
第十五條 行使偵查、檢察、審判、監獄筦理職權的機關及其工作人員在行使職權時有下列侵囚犯身權情形之一的,受害人有取得賠償的權利:
第十六條 行使偵查、檢察、審判、監獄筦理職權的機關及其工作人員在行使職權時有下列侵犯財產權情形之一的,受害人有取得賠償的權利:
第十七條 屬於下列情形之一的,國傢不承擔賠償責任:
第二節 賠償請求人和賠償義務機關
第十八條 賠償請求人的確定依炤本法第六條的規定。
第十九條 行使國傢偵查、檢察、審判、監獄筦理職權的機關及其工作人員在行使職權時加害公民、法人和其他組織的正当權益造成損害的,該機關為賠償義務機關。對沒有犯罪事實或者沒有事實証明有犯罪重大嫌疑的人錯誤勾留的,作出勾留決定的機關為賠償義務機關。
第三節 賠償程序
第二十條 賠償義務機關對依法確認有本法第十五條、第十六條規定的情形之一的,應噹給予賠償。賠償請求人要求確認有本法第十五條、第十六條規定情形之一的,被要求的機關不予確認的,賠償請求人有權申訴。
第二十一條 賠償義務機關應噹自收到申請之日起兩個月內依炤本法第四章的規定給予賠償;踰期不予賠償或者賠償請求人對賠償數額有異議的,賠償請求人能够自期間屆滿之日起三旬日內向其上一級機關申請復議。
第二十二條 復議機關應噹自收到申請之日起兩個月內作出決定。
第二十三條 中級以上的人民法院設破賠償委員會,由人民法院三名至七名審判員組成。
第二十四條 賠償義務機關賠償損得後,應噹向有下列景象之一的事情人員逃償局部或者全体賠償費用:
第四章 賠償式和計算標准
第二十五條 國傢賠償以付出賠償金為首要式。
第二十六條 侵占公民人身自在的,逐日的賠償金按炤國傢上年度職工日均匀工資計算。
第二十七條 侵犯公民性命安康權的,賠償金按炤下列規定計算:
第两十八條 侵略百姓、法人跟其他組織的財產權制成損害的,按炤以下規定處理:
第二十九條 賠償費用,列进各級財政預算,具體辦法由國務院規定。
第五章 其他規定
第三十條 賠償義務機關對依法確認有本法第三條第(一)、(二)項、第十五條第(一)、(二)、(三)項情形之一,並造成受害人名譽權、榮譽權損害的,應噹在侵權行為影響的範圍內,為受害人打消影響,恢復名譽,賠禮报歉。
第三十一條 人民法院在民事訴訟、行政訴訟過程中,違法埰取對妨碍訴訟的強制步伐、顾全办法或者對判決、裁定及其他生傚执法文書執行錯誤,造成損害的,賠償請求人要求賠償的程序,適用本法刑事賠償程序的規定。
第三十二條 賠償請求人請求國傢賠償的時傚為兩年,自國傢機關及其工作人員行使職權時的行為被依法確認為違法之日起計算,但被羈押期間不計算在內。
第三十三條 外國人、中國企業和組織在中華人民共和國領域內要求中華人民共和國國傢賠償的,適用本法。外國人、外國企業和組織的所屬國對中華人民共和國公民、法人和其他組織要求該國國傢賠償的權利不予保護或者制约的,中華人民共和國與該外國人、外國企業和組織的所屬國實行對等原則。
第六章 附 則
第三十四條 賠償請求人要求國傢賠償的,賠償義務機關、復議機關和人民法院不得向賠償請求人收取任何費用。
第三十五條 本法自1995年1月1日起实施。
第十四條 已滿十六歲的人犯罪,應噹負刑事責任。
第十五條 神经病人在不能辨認或者不能把持本身行為的時候造成伤害結果的,不負刑事責任;然而應噹責令他的傢屬或者監護人嚴加看筦和醫療。
第十一條 有下列情形之一的,不追查刑事責任,已經究查的,應噹撤銷案件,或者不起訴,或者宣布無罪:
Law of the People's Republic of China on State pensation
(Adopted on May , at the Seventh Session of the Standing mittee of the ighth National People's Congress and promulgated on the same day) Whole document
Law of the People's Republic of China on State pensation
(Adopted on May , at the Seventh Session of the Standing
mittee of the ighth National People's Congress and promulgated on thesame day)
Chapter General Principles
In conformity with the Constitution, this Law is enacted to protect
citizens, legal persons and other organizations to enjoy the right to
pensation by the state and to promote the state organs to exercise
their functions and powers in accordance with law,遠見.
If a state organ or a member of its personnel, when exercising
functions and powers in violation of the law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damages the aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages from the state in accordance with this Law.
The obligations of state pensation shall be performed by the organs under pensatory obligations stipulated by this Law.
Chapter Administrative pensation
Section : Scope of pensation
The aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages in one of the following circumstances where an administrative organ or its personnel infringes upon his personal rights when exercising functions and powers:
() where there is unlawful detention or an unlawful pulsory
administrative measure to restrict the personal freedom of a citizen;
() where there is unlawful custody or otherwise unlawful deprivation
of the personal freedom of a citizen;
() where such violent act as battery or abetting others in battery
causes bodily injury to or decease of a citizen;
() where the use of weapon or police apparatus in violation of laws
causes bodily injury to or decease of a citizen; or
() other unlawful acts which cause bodily injury to or decease of a
The aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages in one of the following circumstances where an administrative organ or its personnel infringes upon his property right when exercising its functions and powers:
() imposing an administrative punishment in violation of the law,
such as fining, revocation of a permit or license, order to suspend
production or business operation or confiscation of property and article;
() taking a pulsory administrative measure in violation of the law such as sealing up, distraining or freezing of property;
() expropriating property and article or apportioning expenses in
violation of rules and regulations of the state; or
() other unlawful acts which cause damage to property.
The state shall not be liable for pensation in one of the following circumstances:
() where the personal act by personnel of the state organ, which does not relate to his exercise of functions and powers;
() where the act by a citizen, legal person or other organization
itself causes damage; or
() other situations as provided for by law.
Section : Claimant for pensation and Organs for pensatory Obligations
The aggrieved citizen, legal person or other organization shall have
the right to claim pensation.
Where the aggrieved citizen is deceased, his successor or other
relatives with maintenance relation shall have the right to claim
Where the aggrieved legal person or other organization hasterminated,
the legal person or other organization which succeeds its rights shall have the right to claim pensation.
Where an administrative organ and its personnel infringe upon the
lawful rights and interests of a citizen, a legal person or other
organization and cause damage when exercising its administrative functions and powers, the organ shall be responsible for fulfilling pensatory obligations.
Two administrative organs or more which infringe upon the lawful
rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and cause damage when exercising their joint administrative functions and powers, shall be the organs under joint pensatory obligations.
An organization authorized by law which infringes upon the lawful
rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising its authorized administrative powers, shall be the organ under pensatory obligations.
An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ
infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted administrative powers, shall be the organ under pensatory obligations.
Where the organ for pensatory obligation has been abolished, the
administrative organ that continues to exercise the abolished organ's
functions and powers shall be the organ under pensatory obligation;
where there is no such a continued administrative organ, the
administrative organ that did the abolishment shall be the organ under pensatory obligations.
Where the case has been reconsidered by the organ under
reconsideration, the administrative organ which caused the initial damage shall be the organ under pensatory obligations; where the
reconsideration decision by the organ for reconsideration aggravates the damage, the organ for reconsideration shall be liable for the damage resulting from the aggravation part.
Section : Procedure of pensation
The organ for pensatory obligations shall pay pensation in one
of the circumstances as provided for in Article and Article of this Law once confirmed in accordance with law.
A claimant shall, first, file a claim for pensation with an organ
under pensatory obligations and may, in the meantime, file a claim
when applying for an administrative reconsideration and instituting an administrative procedure.
A claimant may claim pensation from any one of the organs under
joint pensatory obligations and the said organ under pensatory
obligations shall pay pensation first.
The claimant may, depending on different injuries suffered, file
several claims for pensation.
The claim for pensation shall be filed by presenting an
application, which shall contain the following contents:
() name, sex, age, employer and address of the claimant, name and
address of the legal person or other organization and name and post of its legal representative or main person in charge;
() the specific claim, factual basis and reasons; and
() the date of application.
Where the claimant has difficulty in writing the application, the
claimant may entrust it with other persons or file a verbal application, which shall be recorded in writing by the organ under pensatory obligations.
The organ under pensatory obligations shall, within months from
the date of receipt of the application, pay pensation in accordance with the provisions of Chapter of this Law; in case of failure by it to pay pensation within the specific period, or where the claimant is not satisfied with the amount of pensation, the claimant may, within
months from the date of expiration of the period, bring an action in a people's court.
After paying pensation, the organ under pensatory obligations
shall instruct its personnel or the entrusted organization or person who has mitted intentional or grave mistake in the case to bear part or all of the expenses for damage.
The petent authorities shall, in accordance with law, impose
administrative sanctions on those responsible persons who have mitted intentional or grave mistakes in the case; If the case constitutes a crime, the criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
Chapter Criminal pensation
Section : Scope of pensation
Where organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and
powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of
prison cause any of the following infringements upon personal rights when exercising their functions and powers, the aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages:
() a wrong detention of a person without criminal facts or without
facts evidencing the person with gross criminal suspicion;
() a wrong arrest of a person without criminal facts;
() an adjudication of innocence is given to change an original
sentence in the retrial according to the procedure for trial supervision, and the original sentence of penalty has been executed;
() bodily injury to or death of a citizen caused by torture
arrangement or such violent acts as battery or abetting others in battery;
() the bodily injury to or decease of a citizen caused by unlawful
use of weapon or police apparatus.
Organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and powers of
detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of prison cause one of the following infringements upon property rights when exercising their functions and powers, the aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages:
() where there is a measure, such as sealing up, distraint, freezing
or recovery of property in violation of law; or
() where an adjudication of innocence is given to change an original
sentence in the retrial in accordance with the procedure for retrial
supervision, and the original court supervision of fine or confiscation of property has been executed.
The state shall not be responsible for pensation in any of the
following circumstances:
() where a citizen was put into custody or was sentenced criminal
penalty because of his intentionally false confession or falsification of other evidence of guilt;
() where a person, who shall not bear criminal responsibility in
accordance with Article and Article of the Criminal Law, was put into custody;
() where a person, who shall not be prosecuted for criminal
responsibility in accordance with Article of the Criminal procedure Law, was put into custody;
() personal act by the personnel of the organs that exercise the
functions and powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and
administration of prison, which does not relate to his exercise of the said functions and powers;
() where the damage was caused by such intentional acts as
self-injuring or self-disabling; or
() other situations as provided for by law.
Section : Claimant for pensation and Organ for pensatory Obligations
The claimant for pensation shall be determined in accordance with
Article of this Law.
Where organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and
powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of
prison infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization when exercising their functions and powers,
the organs shall be responsible for fulfilling pensatory obligations. The organ which makes a wrong decision to detain a person without criminal facts or a person without facts evidencing gross criminal suspicion shall be the organ for pensatory obligations.
The organ which makes a wrong decision to arrest a person without
criminal facts shall be the organ for pensatory obligations.
Where a sentence is given to change an original judgment in the
retrial, the people's court which made the original effective judgment shall be the organ for pensatory obligations. Where an adjudication of innocence is given to change an original judgment in the second instance, the people's court which made the judgment of first instance and the organ which made the decision of arrest shall be the organ for pensatory obligations.
Section : Procedures of pensation
The organ for pensatory obligations shall pay pensation in any
of the circumstances as provided for in Article and Article of this Law when confirmed in accordance with law.
Where the claimant for pensation demands the confirmation of one of the circumstances as provided for in Article and Article of this Law and the demanded organ refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant shall have the right to lodge a plaint.
Where the claimant claims pensation, the claim shall, first, be
lodged to the organ for pensatory obligations.
The procedures of pensation shall apply to the provisions of
Article , Article and Article of this Law.
The organ for pensatory obligations shall, within months from the date of receipt of the application, pay pensation in accordance with the provisions of Chapter of this Law; in case of failure by it to pay pensation within the period specified or where the claimant is not satisfied with the amount of pensation, the claimant may, within days from the date of expiration of the time limit, apply for reconsideration by an organ at the next higher level.
Where the organ under pensatory obligations is a people's court,
the claimant for pensation may, pursuant to the provisions of preceding paragraph, apply to the pensation mission of the people's court at the next higher level for a decision of pensation.
The organ for reconsideration shall, within months from the date of
receipt of the application, make a decision.
Where the claimant for pensation is not satisfied with the
reconsideration decision, he or she may, within days from the date of receipt of reconsideration decision, apply for a decision of pensation to the pensation mission of the people's court at the same level at the place where the organ for reconsideration is located; Failure by the organ for reconsideration to make a decision within the period specified, the claimant for pensation may, within days from the date of expiration of the time period, apply for a decision of pensation to the pensation mission of the people's court at the same level at the place where the organ for reconsideration is located.
An intermediate people's court or the people's court above the
intermediate level shall set up a pensation mission, which shall consist of to judges.
The pensation mission shall make a decision of pensation on
the principle of the minority subordinate to the majority.
Where the decision of pensation by the pensation mission is
of validity of law, it must be executed.
Having paid pensation, the organ under pensatory obligations
shall recover part or all of the damages from its personnel in any of the following circumstances:
() the circumstances as provided for in Article (), () of this
Law; or
() where its personnel embezzle or take bribery and embezzlement or
act wrongly out of personal considerations or mit fraudulent act or bring in judgment by perverting the law.
The petent authorities shall, in accordance with law, impose
administrative sanctions on those responsible persons who fall in one of the circumstances as provided for in () and () of the proceeding
paragraph; If the case constitute a crime, the criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law.
Chapter Methods of pensation and Calculation Standards
The main method of state pensation shall be the payment of damages.
Where the property can be returned or can be restored to the original
state, it shall be returned or made restoration to the original state.
Where the personal rights of a citizen are infringed upon, the amount
of money for pensation per day shall be calculated according to the average salary per day of the staff of the state in the preceding year.
Where the rights of life and health of a citizen are infringed upon,
the amount of money for pensation per day shall be calculated according to the following provisions:
() Where bodily injury is caused, medical expenses and pensation
for losses of ine for absence from work shall be paid. The amount of money for pensation per day for losses of ine shall be calculated according to the average salary per day of the staff of the state in the preceding year. The maximum amount shall be five times as much as the annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year.
() Where partial or total loss of the ability to work is caused,
medical expenses and pensation money for disablement shall be paid. The amount of money for pensation for disablement shall be calculated according to the seriousness of loss of the ability to work. The maximum amount of pensation money for partial loss of ability to work shall be ten times as much as the annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year. The maximum amount of pensation money for total loss of ability to work shall be twenty times as much as the annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year. In case of total loss of ability to work, living expenses shall be paid to the person
who is maintained by the aggrieved and without ability to work. and
() Where decease is caused, pensation money and funeral expenses
shall be paid, the total amount of which shall be twenty times as much as the annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year.
Living expenses shall be paid to the person who is maintained by the
aggrieved before his or her decease and without ability to work.
The granting of living expenses mentioned in () and () of the
preceding paragraph shall be made in light of the relevant provisions
concerning subsistence relief promulgated by the local civil
administration department. Should the person maintained be a juvenile, the living expenses shall be paid until the juvenile reaches the age of ; Should the person be of no ability to work, the living expenses shall be paid until his decease.
Where the property rights of a citizen, legal person or other
organization are infringed upon and damage is caused, it shall be dealt with according to the following provisions:
() in case of imposition of a fine or penalty, recovery or
confiscation of property, or expropriation of property and article, or appointment of expenses in violation of the provisions of the state, the property shall be returned;
() in case of sealing up, distraint and freezing of property and
causing damage or destruction to the property, pensation shall be paid according to the provisions of () and () of this Article;
() in case of damage to the property which should be returned, the
original state shall be restored if it can be done. If the original state can not be restored, corresponding pensation money shall be paid according to the seriousness of the damage;
() in case of destruction of the property which should be returned,
corresponding pensation money shall be paid;
() in case the property has been auctioned, proceeds from the auction shall be paid;
() in case of rescission of a permit or license, order to suspend
production or business operation, pensation shall be paid to cover the necessary current expenses incurred during the suspension period; or
() in case of other damages caused to the property, pensation
shall be made in light of direct loss of the property.
The expenses for pensation shall be listed in the fiscal budget of
governments at all levels, the detailed rules of which shall be formulated by the State Council.
Chapter Other Provisions
Where any of the circumstances as provided for in Article () and
() and Article (), () and () of this Law, is confirmed according to law and causes infringement upon the rights of reputation and honor of the aggrieved person, the organ pensatory obligations shall eliminate the bad effect, rehabilitate the reputation of and make an apology to the aggrieved person to the extent of the infringing acts affected.
Where a people's court, in the course of a civil or administrative
procedure, illegally undertakes pulsory measures against impairment of action, preservative measures or wrongfully executes the judgment or award or other legal effective documents and which causes damages, the procedure for the claim of pensation by the claimant shall apply to the provisions of this Law concerning the procedures of criminal pensation.
The prescription of claim for state pensation by the claimant shall be years, which shall be calculated from the day on which the act of exercising the functions and powers by the State organ and its personnel was confirmed unlawful according to law, but the period of custody shall be excluded from the limitation of time.
Where the claimant for pensation can not exercise his or her right
of claim due to force majeure or other obstacles during the last months of the prescription of claim for pensation, the limitation of time shall be suspended. The time of prescription of claim for pensation shall resume from the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated.
This Law shall be applicable to such cases as claiming by a foreigner, foreign enterprise or organization in the territory of the People's Republic of China upon the People's Republic of China for state pensation.
If the mother state of a foreigner, foreign enterprise or organization does not protect or imposes restrictions upon the right of claiming for state pensation from that state by a Chinese citizen, legal entity or other organization, the People's Republic of China shall follow the principle of reciprocity with regard to such mother state of the said foreigner, foreign enterprise or organization.
Chapter Supplementary Provisions
Where the claimant claims for state pensation, the organ under
pensatory obligations, the organ for reconsideration and the people's court shall not charge anything to the claimant.
Taxes shall not be levied upon the pensation money obtained by
claimant for pensation.
This Law shall enter into force as of January , .
Appendix:Related Articles of Laws
. Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
Any person who has reached the age of and who mits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility.
Any person who has reached the age of but not the age of and who mits a homicide, inflicting serious bodily injury, robbery, arson, habitual theft or any other crime seriously undermining social order shall bear criminal responsibility.
Any person who has reached the age of but not the age of and who mits a crime shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.
If a person is not punished because he has not reached the age of ,
the head of his or her family or his or her guardian shall be ordered to discipline and educate him or her. When necessary, he or she may also be taken in by the government for reeducation.
If a mental patient causes dangerous consequences at a time when he or she is unable to recognize or control his or her own conduct, he or she shall not bear criminal responsibility, however, his or her family or guardian shall be ordered to make him or her under strict custody and give medical treatment.
Any person whose mental illness is of an intermittent nature shall
bear criminal responsibility if he or she mits a crime when he or she is in a normal mental state.
Any intoxicated person who mits a crime shall bear criminal
. Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
In any of the following circumstances, no criminal responsibility
shall be investigated; if investigation has already been undertaken, the case shall be dismissed, or prosecution shall not be initiated, or innocence shall be declared:
() if an act is obviously of minor importance, causing no serious
harm, and is therefore not deemed as a crime;
() if the limitation period for criminal prosecution has expired;
() if an exemption of criminal punishment has been granted in a
special amnesty decree;
() if the crime is to be handled only upon plaint according to the Criminal Law, but there has been no plaint or the plaint has been withdrawn;
() if the defendant is deceased; or
() if other laws or decrees provide an exemption from investigation
of criminal responsibility,英翻中.


Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Vermont - 英語演講

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Vermont and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by the severe winter storm during the period of December 11-18, 2008.

Federal funding is available to State and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the severe winter storm in the counties of Bennington and Windham.

Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide.

R. David Paulison, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Mark H. Landry as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected area.

FEMA said additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the State and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.



President Bush Discusses Physical Fitness Month, Encourages - 英語演講

May 5, 20

9:19 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for ing. This is Physical Fitness Month, and I'm with members of the President's Physical Fitness Council. Their job is to encourage all Americans, young and old,英文翻譯, to exercise.

I love exercise. Today I'm going to ride with a group of friends on a mountain bike. But the message to all Americans is to find time in your schedule to walk, run, swim, bike, to take care of yourselves.

I appreciate Mike Leavitt, who is the Secretary of Health and Human Services, for joining us today. He knows what I know, that if someone takes care of their body through good exercise, that it is -- it's the beginning of really good health policy for the United States.

It doesn't take much time to stay fit -- 30 minutes five days a week,逐字稿; 30 minutes of walking, 30 minutes of running, 30 minutes of biking, 30 minutes of swimming on a regular basis will help deal with a lot of health issues here in America. I have found that exercise not only is a good excuse to get outdoors, it helps relieve stress, as well. And so, on behalf of the President's Council on Physical Fitness, I say to America, get outside, take time out of your life, schedule yourself, do discipline and exercise,遠見.

Thank you all for ing.

END 9:20 A.M. EDT


The first regional forum on health reform streaming at 2pm ET - 英語演講

Today is the first of five regional forums following up on the forum at the White House a week ago, hosted by Governors Jennifer Granholm of Michigan and Jim Doyle of Wisconsin. As the President explained in the announcement of the regional forums, they will be meant to foster the same kind of meaningful and open dialogue that occurred at the White House in munities across the country: "The forums will bring together diverse groups of people all over the country who have a stake in reforming our health care system and ask them to put forward their best ideas about how we bring down costs and expand coverage for American families."

You can watch the first one streamed from Michigan at HealthReform.gov at 2pm ET, and in the meantime you can submit your own ideas and questions for the forums, find dates and locations, and learn what people in your own state had to say during the munity discussions that took place during the Presidential Transition

Deb Price of the Detroit News describes Joyce Shilakes, a local social worker and breast-cancer survivor, who was involved in those discussions and who will speak at the forum today:

"I deal with people on a daily basis trying to fund their health care," Shilakes said.

"They are not able to afford their treatments, their medications. They are juggling that with household bills -- heat,遠見, food," she added.

The result, she says, is that people don't ply with physician-remended doses of medication, because they can't afford it. One of her clients refused to have a lump checked in her breast -- despite a history of breast cancer in her family -- because she had no medical insurance.
Shilakes and her husband Mark have seen the importance of good coverage.

Her cancer treatment bills -- paid for by GM -- topped $100,000. Husband Mark, a General Motors staff research technician, who has both of them on his health care plan, was also diagnosed with cancer and needed treatment.

"With the state of things in the auto industry,論文翻譯, we don't know whether he is going to have a job. If he loses his job, which provides our health care,泰文翻譯, we'll be without coverage," she said.

Every munity in the country has stories like hers, and these forums will give those stories a chance to be heard -- and even more importantly start the process of helping to fix what’s broken.