
春節長假從前 若何用英語剖明“愁悶”


1. I'm so depressed. 我很愁悶。

2. I feel so upset. 我觉得很懊喪。

3. I'm in a bad mood today. / I'm moody today. 我今天心情不好。

4. I feel kind of blue today. 我古天有點愁悶。

5. I feel low today. 我来日心情(有里)下降。

6. I'm so down. 我旧道熱腸情很消沉。

7. I'm a bit down in the mouth today. 我今天有點鬱鬱不樂的。

8. I've been down in the dumps recently. 我比來很鬱悶。

9. Sorry, I got up on the wrong side of the bed today. 負疚,我古天心情不好。

10. I am not in the mood. 我不脸色。

11. I am in no mood for joking! 我出有表情惡做劇!

12. I can't put my finger on what's wrong. 我不晓得甚麼處所錯誤勁女。


