

  Fitness Activities on vacation


  Even if you're far from home, you can maintain a workout routine and stay active while traveling. Here's how to get regular exercise while on vacation.




  If you're an avid runner and are vacationing on a tropical island, it can be easy to maintain your early-morning workout routine. But if you prefer the gym and are on a getaway in a quaint hotel with no fitness facilities, you might have a harder time fitting in exercise on vacation,长春藤翻译社. However, it's possible to take time off from your normal exercise routine and still have a healthy vacation — you just need alternatives.


  "Vacations are a great time to relax and unwind, but they can also cause some people to fall off the fitness track, says Sammie Kennedy, a certified personal trainer and the founder and CEO of Booty Camp, a women-only boot camp chain based in Toronto. Even just one week away from your workout routine can make it hard to get back to the level you were at before you left, she says.

  “度假時一個很好的放緊和開釋的進程,但同時也可能招緻你恰恰離鍛煉的習慣。”薩米. 甘乃迪說,資深小我俬傢鍛練,佈蒂鍛煉營的開創人及CEO,一個以多倫多為基天的女子連鎖練習營。只要有一周不鍛煉你就很易回到你度假前的水平。她如許說。


  Fitness Activities for Your Vacation


  It's easy to build in exercise on vacation. These ideas will help burn off some of the extra calories you may be eating and allow you to come home as motivated and fit as when you left:


  · Go for the gym. When planning your trip, look for a hotel with a gym — even a basic fitness center is better than none at all. Most hotels offer at least some exercise equipment, but if your hotel doesn't, it may have a deal with a nearby gym and provide you with a pass. Or, if your home gym is part of a national chain, you might be able to get guest privileges if there's a branch in the city you're traveling to.

  · 在體育館健身。計劃你的旅行時,找一個有體育館的旅館——就算一個下層鍛煉中心也總比沒有強。大年夜多数酒店都最起码有一些鍛煉設備,但是假设你地點的旅捨沒有,那在它鄰远應噹也有一個別育館並有班車。

  · Work out in your room. No gym? No problem. You don't need fancy equipment or a high-tech gym to exercise on vacation, Kennedy says. Search the Internet for a workout designed for small spaces, and download it to your laptop or smartphone for a pre-breakfast fitness session. You can pack lightweight exercise aids such as a jump rope (15 minutes of this cardio fitness activity will burn more than 100 calories); a thin, travel-sized yoga mat for flexibility stretches and poses; and resistance bands for strength training.

  · 在房間裏磨煉。不體育館?沒題目。瘔乃迪讲,旅途中出须要用下貴的舉措办法或下科技的體育館往錘煉。正在網上找一些开適小空間的熬煉方法,下載在你的條記本電腦大略智高手機上做為清晨前的鍛煉项目。你能夠抉擇非重量級的活動比喻跳繩(15分鍾的有氧健身運動會燃燒逾越100卡路裏的熱量);籌備一個輕浮的觀光拆瑜伽墊來練習伸展戰姿態的機動性战跟力氣練習阻力帶。


  · Take a dive. If your hotel has a swimming pool, make it work for you. "Instead of just lounging by the pool, take a swim, Kennedy says. You can alternate sunning yourself with short swim sessions of 10 laps at a time. If swimming doesn't appeal to you, try water aerobics in the shallow end of the pool, or simply tread water — a half-hour of this can burn 350 calories.

  潛水。如果你地点的酒店有拍浮池,那便讓它好好為你傚勞吧。“別只是在泳池邊摆盪,下水往,” 苦乃迪說。你能够挑選一次少游一會,十個来回。如果游泳對你沒有吸引力,正在泅水池的淺水區嘗嘗火中有氧運動,或只是跴水半個小時,這能够燃燒350卡路裏。

  · Take a class,翻譯. Do your homework before you reach your destination to discover what the locals do for fun and exercise. Then see how you can participate, Kennedy says. It could be a salsa lesson, a hot yoga session, or a ballroom dancing class. Contact a dance or fitness studio in advance to sign up for a class or two while you're visiting.


  · Go for a ride. Many resorts rent fitness activity equipment for bike riding or inline skating by the day or by the hour. These are great ways to see the countryside while burning calories, says nutrition and fitness expert J.J. Virgin, co-host of the cable television series "Freaky Eaters on the TLC channel and author of Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy.


  · Explore your options. Think of your vacation as the right time to try fitness activities you've never done before. Depending on the locale, consider kayaking, snorkeling, white-water rafting, parasailing, water skiing, hiking, horseback riding, or mountain climbing. You might enjoy the adventure so much that you build future trips around it, Virgin says.


  · Try a walking tour. Rather than seeing the sights from a bus or tram, take a tour that requires foot power to get from place to place. It's a great way to see surroundings during the day, and some places offer nighttime walking tours, too.

  If you make some room in your suitcase for workout clothes and find ways to include fitness activities in your vacation, you'll return home refreshed and invigorated — and less likely to bring home extra pounds.




